Good news everyone!! I'm all moved in and the house looks great! I am living with two of my sorority sisters, Sheriyln and Julia and my suitemate, Kerry. These girls are all super sweet and they arn't too upset about me being obsessed with making cupcakes(teehee). I have made 3 different cupcakes since I moved in, but the first one I am going to tell you about is the one I made for my birthday party.
My housemates and I decided to have a birthday/housewarming party the first week after we were all moved in. Guess what guys, I'M 21!!!!! (Thanks to my mother and Ken, I got a pink KitchenAid). WOOOHOOO!!! (Thanks!) But, back to the party, we went shopping for snacks to have at the party and then it hit me, I'll make margarita cupcakes! I"ve never made these before but I've heard from a chili friend that they are superb (Thanks Becky)! I also got a new cupcake book for my birthday from my Aunt and there it lay, a recipe for Margarita Cupcakes. They sounded phenomenal and they looked so pretty. So I started making the cupcakes and ended up having to make another batch because we figured 12 cupcakes wouldn't be enough. After the two batches of Margarita cupcakes were all cooled off, I started with the icing. Lime Juice, powdered sugar, and that "other stuff" you put in margaritas. I had a lot of icing left and my housemates definently took advantage of the yummy icing, they all poured it into mugs and drank it straight like a real Margarita! After the icing was put on top of the cupcake, I sprinkled it with edible glitter and sugar and stuck a straw in it. Perfecto!
I also made Snickerdoodle upcakes because everyone LOVES those! I ended up with over 50 cupcakes and even got to use my new Wilson cupcake stand! I made regular size snickerdoodles and also mini, some people don't like sweets so I thought the mini would give people a good alternative.
The party turned out really good and everyone LOVED the cupcakes. Tootles!